Food porn, iberico style

*Cue 70’s wah-wah, chicka chicka sexy music* Oh yeah, that’s right baby. Come here with your glistening, jamon-y goodness. For further money shots, check out the Madrid episode of No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain.

Spain and its weird festivals

You’ve all heard of the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, and maybe even la Tomatina in Bunol, but “El Vitor” in Mayorga near Valladolid is definitely more bizarre. Those are animal hides that they’re burning. Called paja, the skins turn into a tar-like substance which is impossible to remove, … Continue Reading →

Bier, bikes and beats in Berlin

Shit, I can’t think of a world capital with a more fascinating history in recent years. It’s been 20 years since the wall came tumbling down, and a strangely beautiful and unique city has sprung up in the aftermath. I came to visit a couple of friends who couchsurfed wth … Continue Reading →

Wwoofing in New Zealand

After a good chunk of time in Asia, it felt pretty good to be in an English speaking country again. New Zealand is ridiculously easy to travel in – there are info centers everywhere with free brochures and maps (DON’T buy a Lonely Planet), people here are the friendliest in … Continue Reading →