Welcome to Bolivia…just getting in is a challenge!

Step 1 – Wait in a four hour line at La Quiaca to get the Argentina exit stamp.

4 hour line getting our Argentina exit stamp
4 hour line getting our Argentina exit stamp17-Jan-2011 08:50, Canon Canon PowerShot S90, 7.1, 6.0mm, 0.002 sec, ISO 160

Step 2 – Pay $135 dollars for the exclusive privilege of being an American entering Bolivia. Shout out to the homies, Che and Chavez!

Getting our Bolivia visas, on special (just for American's ), for $135. Thanks Evo


Getting our Bolivia visas, on special (just for American's ), for $135. Thanks Evo17-Jan-2011 09:41, Canon Canon PowerShot S90, 2.8, 9.636mm, 0.02 sec, ISO 800

On the door of the boarder offices... given props to there buddies Che and Chavez


On the door of the boarder offices… given props to there buddies Che and Chavez17-Jan-2011 09:42, Canon Canon PowerShot S90, 2.8, 9.636mm, 0.025 sec, ISO 800


Step 3 – Immediately after receiving visa, discover that the border has just been blocked by protesters demanding water and sanitation in their neighborhood. (Side note: We don’t blame them. This is the only way to get what you want in this part of the world.)

Just after getting our stamps into the country, the boarder was blocked by angry citizens wanting water and sewage
Just after getting our stamps into the country, the boarder was blocked by angry citizens wanting water and sewage17-Jan-2011 10:31, Canon Canon PowerShot S90, 3.2, 6.0mm, 0.002 sec, ISO 250

Step 4 – To circumnavigate blockade, climb over concrete wall, off the bridge and into no man’s land between Argentina and Bolivia.
Our solution... climb off the bridge into no mans land /garbage dump...
Our solution... climb off the bridge into no mans land /garbage dump...17-Jan-2011 10:59, Canon Canon PowerShot S90, 7.1, 6.0mm, 0.002 sec, ISO 80

Step 5 – Walk along river/international garbage dump until you find a hole in the fence to crawl into.
...enter through hole in fence. Many others broke solidary to make the same journey
...enter through hole in fence. Many others broke solidary to make the same journey17-Jan-2011 10:58, Canon Canon PowerShot S90, 5.0, 6.0mm, 0.002 sec, ISO 80

Step 6 – Success! Oh wait, the roads have also been commandeered by protesters. Hold on for dear life as your bus blazes its own trail through the desert. Occasionally disembark as the bus attempts extremely dangerous river crossing. If it tips over, at least it won’t take 60 passengers with it.

Step 7 – Arrive to Tupiza six action packed hours behind schedule.