Food porn, iberico style

*Cue 70’s wah-wah, chicka chicka sexy music* Oh yeah, that’s right baby. Come here with your glistening, jamon-y goodness. For further money shots, check out the Madrid episode of No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain.

Spain and its weird festivals

You’ve all heard of the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, and maybe even la Tomatina in Bunol, but “El Vitor” in Mayorga near Valladolid is definitely more bizarre. Those are animal hides that they’re burning. Called paja, the skins turn into a tar-like substance which is impossible to remove, … Continue Reading →

Seven weeks in the Spanish desert… with no jamon!

When I first started researching the Sunseed community in the remote south east of Spain, I couldn’t find its location anywhere on the website. When I asked why, they told me it was intentional. It was feared if this information was public, they would be inundated with squatters, wanderers and … Continue Reading →