Spain and its weird festivals

You’ve all heard of the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, and maybe even la Tomatina in Bunol, but “El Vitor” in Mayorga near Valladolid is definitely more bizarre.

”Am I dripping burning oil and animal fat on your head?” ”My bad, but where is your protective straw hat?“
”Am I dripping burning oil and animal fat on your head?” ”My bad, but where is your protective straw hat?“28-Sep-2010 01:05, Canon Canon PowerShot S90, 3.5, 12.845mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 1600

Those are animal hides that they’re burning. Called paja, the skins turn into a tar-like substance which is impossible to remove, hence the wide brim hats and old clothes. Don’t ask me what it signifies…I have no idea.


  • Bertuccio says:

    It’s not animal hides but the leftover of the grapes after making wine.

    • td says:

      Perhaps they use the leftovers from grapes in another festival, but these were certainly animal hides. More than the fact you could tell by looking at them, the odor was something that was unmistakable.