R.I.P Canon SD870 IS

We’ve spent the last six days in the final two imperial cities of Morocco, Meknes and Fes.  Unfortunately and despite hours of looking for a petit turnovice (little screwdriver) and many more hours tinkering over tiny components, our camera is officially dead 🙁  As a result may I direct you here and here to check out images from these two beautiful and ancient cities.  Quick SynopsisMeknes : few tourists, authentic, cheap, less conservative, chill.  Fes: mazelike, somewhat claustrophobic, ancient, hidden secrets, a bit shady.

Next stop, Italy and surely a huge culture shock when we leave the donkey cart filled passageways of the medina for the high class luxury lifestyle of Milan.  Looking forward to some fine and diverse Italian eats after one too many meals of nothing but tagine or couscous.

1 Comment

  • friscolex says:

    RIP Camera indeed! I can just see you guys at the store, tD wanting to fix things, Kim getting yelled at by some guy: “TOURNEVIS, you need ze TOURNEVIS or else you camerah is MORT. TOURNEVIS, Madame.” So y’all bought a new camera or what?