Fare-thee-well San Francisco, work and responsibility… Hello muthafucking world!

I am sitting in Kim’s mom’s kitchen, most of our worldly possessions are stacked in the corner, the rest spread across the floor waiting to be stowed into our backpacks one last time.  A reminder on my phone just went off to alert me to a meeting in 15 minutes – I’m not going to make it.  In a few hours we’ll be on a plane to London.  Jesus Fucking Christ…. okay breathe.

Let’s take a step back.  Three long ass days ago, I was finishing up a few projects and saying goodbye to all my friends and collegues at work.  It was actually a sad day. I know, I know, leaving work for most people is fucking sweet but for me it was sad – I’m cool like that.  On my final bike ride back from the train station, my mind is racing with all the shit I have to do this weekend. The ball of stress in my brain swells, leaving little room for the jubilation I should be feeling (typical tD).  Back at our half empty apartment, the now daily ritual of cleaning and getting rid of stuff continues. Tonight, the TiVo says goodbye, we had some good times together…

The ridiculously beautiful weather mocks us all weekend as we go back and forth, moving our entire lives – or what’s left of them – to Kim’s mom’s house for storage.  An hour ago, I completely ran out of stuff to stress out about. A calm washes over me,  followed by complete panic.  There is now a huge void in my brain where all the responsibility, planning, employement activities used to subside.  What am I going to fill it with?  Who the fuck knows but I can’t wait to find out.  Next stop: World.  FUCK YEAH!


  • Jenny says:

    I love you guys…Than, be super safe and chill…take good care of Kim, come back whole-I love you.
    Your little sister,
    Jen Jen

  • Michael Andrew says:

    Watch out world, here they come. Good luck buddy.

  • friscolex says:

    Mmm… void in brain. Sounds fabulous. Of course you’ll find all sorts of new travel-related gems to fill it, but how wonderful to feel that shift as it occurs. Enjoy.

  • Manu says:

    Good luck guys! BTW you need to use the word ‘fuck’ more – not sure that is coming across enough.